Monday 14 March 2011

Bedroom Puchases

Although I've not been buying much for me - I did splash out on a few things for my bedroom. I love my bedroom, it's one of the few rooms of the house that has been re-decocrated. I did it a couple of years ago with a bit of help from my dad - no I'll re-phrase that my dad did it with help from me.... The best feature is the walk in wardrobe (which features on my blog background). We constructed it using shop rails, it's just sectioned off from the main room with a small dividing wall and a curtain on each side. That means it's open on the top which makes the room feel much more spacious than dividing it completely. It was also a lot easier and cheaper to construct than building a full length wall with sliding doors.

When you've got as many clothes and accessories as I have, it really takes some co-ordination to find enough storage for everything and I have heaps of cupboards, draws and boxes to house everything from shoes and boots to bags and headscarves. I try to keep things in certain places so I know exactly where to find something in 5 minutes - last minute accessory grab in the morning can really make an outfit!

For the overall look I went for a boudoir feel with white painted floorboards, black and grey biba style wallpaper on one wall, dark purple on the opposite and white in-between. With the soft furnishings, I went for black curtains - quite a bold move but it works really well and as I like complete darkness for sleeping, I have a wooden blind too! I found a great rug in Urban Outfitters exactly the same colour of the wall - a soft cotton shaggy rug is so lovely at the side of the bed to sink your feet into.


I love white cotton bedding - there's nothing quite like Egyptian cotton sheets, but went for a black sheet as a throwover (a necessity with 6 cats) and matching black curtains. This has worked well for a couple of years but it was starting to look a bit tatty (and impossible to keep fur free) so I've been hunting around for alternatives. There's heaps of bedspreads on the market but they're very expensive. A lot of the cheaper ones are made from satin fabric which is not ideal with cats (gets plucked very easily).

And then I came across this perfect find from Dunelm Mill - A padded quilt from Waters and Noble in grey and black floral print at £89.99 (I got it on offer at £69.99). It's 100% cotton and fully washable and the great thing is the cat hair just shakes right off as there is a satin finish to the weave (but not enough to be plucked!) I was going to go for the matching boudoir cushion but vouldn't find a matching sized cushion pad so instead went for two pillowcases at £9.99 (on offer at £6.99) and used them as cushions instead (I bought new pillows and then used my old ones as cushion pads). I couldn't resist completing the look with a pretty Isabella cushion in black, £9.99, which was a bit of an indugence as I could have made one myself - but it's so nice to get everything delivered and on the bed together. Now I finally feel like the bedroom is finished - and it feels as luxurious as a hotel room! It's so great at the end of a hard working day to relax into my posh bed and get some much needed sleep, zzzzzzzzzzzz

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